by Syrah Linsley
Syrah Linsley, essayist, reading The Poetics of Space by Gaston Bachelard

In 2024, I graduated with an MFA from a writing program I wanted since high school: the low-residency Bennington Writing Seminars. My resulting manuscript is an epistolary creation myth titled The Inner Elsewhere: A Memoir-in-Essays (inspired by a phrase from Edmond Jabès: “the Elsewhere within”). My thesis advisor described the work as “a first-rate manuscript, brave in its candor, skilled in its execution, with profitable attention to language and what emotional and psychological truths that language expresses.”

While I start the long journey of finding a publication home for The Inner Elsewhere, I’ve already started on my next three nonfiction manuscripts. To join my community of like-minded ladybirds along the way, please do follow on Instagram or like the Facebook page